The Date Book - 2012

IMDb Assignment -- Sept. 10
Indep. Film Choices -- Sept.17
Indep. Film Notes Due -- Sept. 24
Thelma & Louise Pages Due -- TBA
Find & Print 2 external film reviews -- Sept. 28
Compare/Contrast Graphic Organizer -- Oct. 1
Essay Outline Organizer -- Oct. 4
Typed First Draft of Essay -- Oct. 8
Peer Assistance Session -- Oct. 8&9
Final Perfect Draft of Essay -- Oct. 10
Discussion Days -- TBA

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Course Guidelines

Students in this college-prep course will explore popular film as an art form by analyzing it through the literary, dramatic, and cinematic gazes. That means looking at all the "picky" details like story, background setting, symbolism, acting, cast choices, costuming, music, lighting, etc. Be prepared, I will ask you to look for detail as I would with any print material analyzed in my classes. The picky details and film production elements will help us to understand the filmmakers' intentions and messages as well as our own interpretations of the final visual product. We will also be looking at film as a medium that carefully and purposely presents important and often controversial life issues situated in a cultural and historical context for a viewing audience. Issues to be discussed may be from a variety of socio-political and literary areas.

General Course Expectations:
Students will be expected to actively and respectfully view the films in class. What that means is NO SLEEPING or talking through a film! Many feel that once the lights go out, it is nap time or social hour. Think again! It isn't often that we have the opportunity to have a class devoted to cinema, so please enjoy it respectfully. Students will need to pay very close attention to these films to recognize and analyze elements to be discussed in class. All students are expected to be in class on time and remain seated throughout viewing full films and clips. If you are used to a different social interaction with film viewing, you may need to challenge yourself in this area. Again, respectful academic cinema protocol is required daily.

Students will be expected to think about and respond to the films and issues through written responses and strong discussion. You will need to view one film and complete written assignments outside of class time. Written responses are expected to be thoughtful, organized, and well edited. Papers not meeting expectations will be returned to students for revision. If revision work is required, you may only have an evening or two to do it.

Respectful and active participation in discussion sessions is a course requirement! If you are usually a dominant speaker in class discussion, allow and encourage your classmates to share their views too. If you tend to sit back and listen to others, challenge yourself to speak out more. Participation on discussion days is considered an assignment. If you miss more than one full-film discussion day during the quarter, you may only be eligible for elective credit in the course (not English credit). That, of course, also means that all other components of the course are completed even for Elective credit. Check your fieldtrip schedules!! Students who have a high number of fieldtrips in other courses must have exceptional attendance, participation, and dedication to written work at all other times. (Discussion Days are currently scheduled for Sept. 10, 22, 30, Oct 1, 10, 23.) If there is a needed disruption in the schedule (all-school activity, instructor illness, emergency, etc.) these dates might change.

Homework Alert!!!!!

All Quarter Long -- Review & Analysis Assignments
Students will need to review an appropriate feature film throughout the quarter. There are several parts to this assignment, and it will require multiple viewings of the same film. Therefore, students must have access to a copy of the movie over a span of several weeks. A list of approved films will be available at the end of Week One. Students will contract their individual choices during Week Two. Full guidelines for the review and analysis assignments will be given during Week Three. All films used for this assignment must be on the class approved film list. There will be no exceptions to this guideline.

Specific Assignments for Credit Eligibility:

To earn credit, each student will:

• have excellent attendance including being on time to class;
• proactively contribute to class discussions and classroom climate on a consistent basis;
• take notes on film clip examples shared in class;
• complete Film Question & Commentary Cards as requested for full-length films;
• select, view outside of class, take notes on (and turn them in), read reviews of, and write a formal comparative analysis paper on published reviews of an individually-chosen film;
• complete final project assignment for individually-chosen film (paper or presentation choice);
• be responsible for turning in assignments on or before due dates;

Late Work & Late Passes
Students must complete ALL assignments to earn credit. Due dates are firm in this class. A student must turn in one "Assignment Day Pass” for each day an assignment is late. If a student is absent from class when an assignment is due, he/she must still use a "Late Assignment Day Pass” unless the assignment is turned in by 8:45 AM (sharp!) the following class day. Students are allowed 3 late assignment passes per quarter in this course. Passes may not be duplicated nor transferred to other students.Passes must be stapled to the completed assignment.(The only exceptions to this guideline may occur for students with documented special education writing concerns. Those students must have a dialogue with me about those concerns in the first week of the course.Permission for extensions must be in line with a student’s IEP.)

THIS IS NOT A CLASS TO MISS! Beware of absences. Save your absences for when you really need them. The Shabazz attendance policy will be strictly enforced. Students will not be admitted to class more than 5 minutes late without a note from Sally, another instructor, or support staff individual. No Make-Up Time! If you miss part or all of a film due to absences, it is your responsibility to rent the film immediately and view it on your own at your own expense. You will still be responsible for completing acceptable written responses and participating in discussions. All films viewed in class should be available from any major video rental location. Do not count on the Madison Public Library to have copies of the films on the shelf.

Films that we will view as a class:
Powwow Highway ®
The Hurricane ®
Thelma and Louise ®
American Beauty ®
Batman Returns (PG-13)

Individual Student-Chosen Film (from lengthy class list) – ratings vary

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